
What to Do When Snow Disrupts Work

What to Do When Snow Disrupts Work Dynamic HR Services

Snowy weather can cause havoc for businesses, especially those without clear plans in place. The handling of bad weather and travel disruption can be an opportunity for an employer to enhance staff morale and productivity by the way it is handled. A snow day is always going to win hearts and minds!!

Here’s what you need to know as an employer:

❄️Getting into Work

Firstly, employees should attempt to come to work as normal where reasonably possible. If for example, driving to work would cause unnecessary risk, then alternative methods of transport should be considered. As a responsible employer, you may decide to be flexible with hours of work to reduce the element of risk at peak traffic times. It’s important to remember that if the company decides not to open for business due to adverse weather, then the employees may be entitled to normal pay depending on current policies and contracts of employment. Absence due to personal sickness during periods of adverse weather should be treated as normal (check your current policies).

❄️Review your Policies

Check your inclement weather policy (or create one quickly!) to ensure everyone knows where they stand. If your staff can’t safely travel to work, is it unpaid leave, holiday or remote working? It is always best to have a policy to set the ground rules for adverse weather such as storms, snow or flooding. The policy should outline the steps employees are required to take to try to get into work on time and how the business will continue if they cannot. Within this policy, you will need to decide how to deal with lateness, the ability to work from home (where relevant) and what will happen with regards to pay. Clarity here avoids last-minute confusion.

❄️Prioritise Safety

It’s your responsibility to ensure your staff aren’t risking their safety trying to get to work. If travel is genuinely unsafe, encourage employees to stay home and explore remote working options if possible.

❄️Be Flexible

Not every role can be done from home, but flexibility can make all the difference. Could shifts be swapped or hours adjusted to accommodate snow disruptions?

❄️Communicate Early

Keep an eye on the forecast and communicate any expectations or updates to your team in advance. The more notice they have, the better they can plan.

❄️Think about Pay

This can be a tricky one. If employees genuinely can’t get to work due to weather conditions, you’re not legally required to pay them unless stated in their contract. That said, docking pay can create bad feeling, so consider whether offering flexibility or an alternative solution could work better.

❄️Plan for the Future

If snow or other disruptions are likely to be an issue, now’s a good time to plan ahead. A clear, fair policy makes life easier for everyone when bad weather strikes.

It is generally more effective to take a flexible approach to matters such as working hours, considering who can cover at short notice and accounting for an individual employee’s location. You may wish to show discretion in reducing hours of work where necessary, i.e. late start and early finish. This allows for slow traffic, delayed trains, alternative routes etc. I would always advise this!

Staff who are genuinely unable to get into the office and who cannot work from home must be considered on a case by case basis depending upon location, transport provision and personal circumstances. However the general rule would be that they take these days of absence as a holiday or unpaid leave if they are not able to attend the office.

The key here is balancing the needs of your business with empathy for your team.

Snow doesn’t have to mean chaos if you’re prepared.

You should always deal with these issues in a fair and consistent manner in order to maintain good employment relations and help prevent complaints or employment claims.

If you’re unsure how to deal with your business circumstances, I am here to help. Call for advice on 020 8798 3470. Most of the time for questions related to situations like this I can quickly point you in the right direction without charge. (I’ll always be up front with you on any costs).