
Does your HR Provider understand Marketing? Here’s why they should

Who thinks HR and Marketing should be separate business functions?

I don’t!

In this new world where people want to feel more connected with the business they work for, HR and Marketing should be very much dependent upon each other, especially if you’re looking to grow your business.

Here’s why your HR provider should have a fundamental understanding of marketing. I’ve always said that;

A successful marketing strategy + good people strategy = sustainable growth

Obviously, a good marketing strategy will help you build brand awareness and reach out to new customers, however, if that strategy isn’t backed up with a solid people plan, you risk not being able to deliver your product or services to customers.

The Impact of Growth on People

A good marketing plan is about growing your business. This can have a big impact on the people working in it, especially if you’ve started as a small team. If you’re not careful, marketing will bring in an influx of customers and your team won’t be ready. What often happens then is that the company goes through a period of recruitment in a desperate attempt to get bums on seats, however, it’s at this point that the wrong people can be brought in.

Fast growth can change a business out of all recognition and it can be difficult for staff to adjust. A good people strategy can ensure that the company stays true to its values and original culture, even if the headcount is set to double or even triple. It’s important to recognise when the business needs to change and how to take your people on the journey with you.

This growth requires a damn good recruitment strategy but also excellent internal communication and this is one area where marketing and HR should be working together. When marketing gets involved in communicating the company vision, strategy plans and the thinking behind the growth, it ensures that existing and new staff are more engaged and more likely to ‘buy-in’ to any changes.

Seeing the Employee as the Customer

When a business starts to see its employees as a ‘customer’ of the business, it will ultimately find that the workplace becomes a more attractive place to work and people will go the extra mile to provide excellent customer service to the external customers.

Marketing can work internally to communicate vision, values, culture, brand and brand promise. This means that everyone in the business is working off the same page about what the business does. Given that your customers experience the company through the people in your business and the brand – this is really important.

“Employees are the people who embody your brand and deliver on it”

If your business promises a product or service that staff don’t deliver, it’s a marketing and business disaster!

Working Together

You may feel that many aspects of HR (such as performance feedback or dealing with naughty employees) might not have much in common with core marketing activities (such as lead generation or creating email campaigns) but when it comes to strategic thinking, marketing and HR are two sides of the same coin.

If you’re looking to add 50% profit over the next three – five years, HR and marketing both have important parts to play (including other areas of the business such as sales and account management). One doesn’t come before the other, they need to work together.

Just like a marketing strategy, a people strategy will help a business achieve its business growth plans. By focusing on what the business needs to achieve and then bringing all relevant departments on board, you will make it happen.

If you would like to discuss how you can make your HR and Marketing work effectively together please drop me an email on hello@dynamichrservices.co.uk